When to visit Bovec
There is no real answer for this, as it all depends what are you looking for? Check it up.
Which month is best time to be in Bovec?
We have put together a table with mont descriptions, averagte temperatures, rainfall and days with snowcover.
Month descriptions for Bovec
Recommended activities
Rainfall (mm)
Nr. days with snowcover
January |
Winter weather: cold, temperatures in tha valley and on ski resort bellow 0. Best time to visit Kanin as possibility to see Adriatic sea from the mountain. |

-0,7 |
192 |
19,6 |
February |
Skiing season on the go. 8th is labour free day, and Slovenians usualy make exdented weekend holidays, also school holiday in that month. Snow on the mountain is perfect for snow lovers. |
- skiing on Kanin mountain
- snowshoeing
- sledding
1,0 |
160 |
18,4 |
March |
In the valley it is already warm, but good skiing on the mountain. Perfect month if you would like to do combined holidays - a bit of skiing, hiking and sighseeing. |
- skiing on Kanin mountain
- snowshoeing
- sledding
4,8 |
189 |
8,6 |
April |
Ski season is ending slowly, but water sports are becoming actual. Take advantage of the unique opportunity - ski and raft on same holidays.
Skiiing is good usualy early in the morning, then take a chance to get some sun on the mountain, while do the rafting in the afternoons.
- sports on Soča river
- fishing
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
9,1 |
242 |
1,3 |
May |
May in Bovec is one of best monts for hiking and water sports. Soca river level is usualy higer at that month, making it more demanding for rafting and kayaking.
Hikers will enjos great green colour and flowers in meadows
- sports on Soča river
- fishingc
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
13,2 |
248 |
0,1 |
June |
- |
- sports on Soča river
- fishing
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
6,5 |
226 |
- |
July |
- sports on Soča river
- fishing
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
18,7 |
188 |
- |
August |
August in Bovec can be very hot, but valley inthe surroundings offer fresh and cool air. Of course in this month the mose popular are water sports, but other activities are not far behind.
- sports on Soča river
- fishing
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
17,9 |
209 |
- |
September |
September in Bovec becomes more relaxing - August touristic peak is over and temperatures are lower. Ideal for Kayaking on the river, cycling and walking&hiking around Bovec.
- sports on Soča river
- fishing
- cycling
- summer activities
- hiking
14,7 |
247 |
- |
Oktober |
10,0 |
262 |
- |
November |
November is quiet month. Not much tourists and temperatures ar getting lower. It is nice if you would like to do some hikes lower in the valley, as in the mountais there is already some snow.
4,6 |
356 |
2,8 |
December |
Month where skiing starts, and ends up with christmas and new year celebrations.
- skiing on Kanin mountain
- snowshoeing
- sledding
0,4 |
214 |
9,6 |